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About Me

Expert Life Coach & Speaker

Welcome to Stacy Speaks! I am a Certified Life Coach, motivational speaker, and author, with over 30 years of experiences helping individuals design the lives of THEIR choosing. I help people face their fears, get unstuck and live the lives of their choosing. I understand there are many individuals who want to live their best life but don't know how to change their negative thinking, poor decision making and difficult relationships. 
I provide tailored programs and presentations to guide individuals and groups through the specific blocks they are experiencing. I do this through my motivational speaking engagements as well as private and group coaching sessions. With my knowledge, life experience, and passion to help others, I can help you create lasting life transformation.
I am a mother, entrepreneur, and a survivor of many challenging life experiences. I decided I would use what I have learned as well as my communication strengths to create positive change and opportunities for others to be victorious over their struggles and live the life they had always dreamed of.
I invite you to contact me and learn more about how I can help you reach your goals and start living your best life today! I have a Master's Degree in Communication Disorders with a clinical emphasis in Speech Language Pathology. Throughout my professional experiences, I have helped thousands of individuals improve their communication skills. I have also shared helpful relationship and communication strategies at various conferences and events. For more information, please contact me directly at (803) 600-2452 and let's start your life changing journey today!

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